Sunday, February 15, 2009


Here I am 29 years old! I have a system of questions that I attempt to answer honestly with the appearance of this day. What are the accomplishments? What needs to be improved? I have always thought of your birthday as the time to reassess your life. Many people use New Year's as a time to evaluate the progress that you have made in the past year and to set new goals for the year ahead. I understand the ideology behind this, but unless you were born on New Year's it's not really the beginning of your time.

From the day that we are conceived we grow and become a 'human being', until we are born. From the day we are born we begin the journey to towards our inevitable death. Morbidity just set in for a brief moment.

Years ago I set My Life Goals. I know I have them written down somewhere but for now the ones I can remember are:
Buy a Home
Get a BA Degree
Get in Shape
Write a Book

So what have I accomplished. One year ago to this day I was seeded. Today I have a radiantly beautiful little girl. (Having a child was never really a goal but it's not something I would change. I have purchased a Mobile Mansion with money that I still have not yet paid back to the ex. So, I have bought the home, I just don't own it. I have fulfilled all of the requirements for my BA. Providing that I pay the rest of the bill, I should receive the piece of paper that say's I have the credenticials to do what I do. I weigh 200lbs (a pain in the ass set back). In the begining of my becoming an adult I weighed in at about 250lbs, I lost the weight and was able to maintain a steady 14o to 160 average. Then I got pregnant, and took free license to eat what ever I wanted when ever I wanted as much as I wanted. Not the best plan. I have plenty of book idea's but I am not closer to writing a book today than I was when I set the goal.
Looking at the goals that I can remember from last year, I have a 50/50 success rate. Not bad but I know I can do better.

To be accomplished in the up coming year? Well, lose about 80lbs is a good start! In order to do this, I must use the treadmil regularly and eat appropriately. Currently I am not doing either one. I want to be A Great Mother. I want to write a book! Wanting and doing are I have discovered very different verbs altogher. I want to pay off the Mansion and own my home. I would also like to locate a piece of land to put the Mansion on and get the hell out of The Trailer Park. I smoke cigarretts and have since I was fourteen years old. A horrible habit to have and yet one that I truely enjoy. I need to quit, (notice how I didn't say I want to quit, well because I friggen don't want to) but with all The Cancer Propaganda and the birth of my daughter, I know it is a must if I want to see her grow up. I want to begin persueing my Masters degree in something, perhaps the goal should be to figure out what that something is. "Child Pyschology" perhaps.

There are so very many things that I would like to accomplish! Prioritizing is probably a good place to start. For now though I must get back to the maintain of the status que rather than making any great strides toward accomplishing any new adventures and the babes are awaking.

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